Saturday, January 08, 2011

8 Pounds Plus of Red Sweet Peppers

Marathon shopping trip this morning, starting with taking Bo for his annual shots, so he got to come with me all morning. We went to 3 stores in Onalaska for groceries and a few other odds and ends. I bought a 50-pound sack of baking potatoes for $7.99, and it will last us till probably May. I bought a half bushel crate of sweet red bell peppers off the almost-wilted rack at Woodman's for less than five bucks, and after I sliced and chopped most of them (saving back 6 for eating fresh), I froze 8 pounds. They are all ready to use whenever. Peppers freeze really well that way.


Terri S said...

I buy red and yellow peppers when I find them on sale and slice them up for the freezer too. They do freeze really well. They can get pretty expensive around here out of season, so I try to stock up when I can.

Maria Stahl said...

I kinda wish I had gotten more. :)

Catherine said...

Great buys! We had a root cellar in Pennsylvania where we were able to store onions, potatoes etc. Sure do miss that. We freeze extra peppers too.

Mrs. Mac said...

Good buys on both taters and peppers! Just cooked up the last of our summer tomatoes that were picked green .. it was so cool to slice them up (should have added them to a salad instead of a skillet ;(