Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Who Are We?

We are not secretaries.
We are not typists.
We are not transcribers.

We are specialists in medical language and healthcare documentation. We are medical translators and medical editors. We interpret garbled mumbo jumbo and fashion it into a detailed patient record that accurately communicates medical information in a timely manner. We uncover and report inconsistencies. We know anatomy and physiology, pharmacology and laboratory medicine. We know the English language and grammar and even a little about various foreign languages and accents. We are aware of mediolegal issues and computer technology. We can produce a whole paragraph with 3 strokes. We are important members of the healthcare team. A patient’s care, and even life, can depend on our skills, on how well we do our jobs.

We tell and preserve a patient’s story for seamless care through history.

We are professionals who care.

We are the Webmedx Team.

Sandra King, RN, CMT, FAAMT
Senior Content Specialist/Education

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