Friday, September 16, 2005

Today's Woot: A very cool coffee-related toy

I confess, I am a sucker for a fun coffee-related gadget. We have tried out more types of coffee brewing machines than most families, including several styles of French presses, and we have, I must also confess, a corner of the basement reserved for a coffee maker morgue. At present we are using a Cuisinart Grind-n-Brew (also a Woot! purchase) on days when someone will be around to drink that much coffee, or a glass French press from IKEA on days when we are all grabbing a quick cup before heading off in various directions.

Today, Woot! is selling a really neato coffee maker. It's a Keurig single-cup coffee maker. And no, it's not a sized-down normal drip coffee maker. Wayne and Roseann have a Keurig, so I've gotten to try it, and it has a nice big reservoir, then you pop a little Green Mountain (or knockoff) coffee packet into a slot, put your mug under the spout, and push a button. The Keurig quick-heats water, forces it at high pressure through the coffee packet and into your mug, in about 2 minutes max. This is really good, really HOT coffee! It was great fun.

For budgetary reasons, and because of the morgue, I am not allowed to buy today's Woot!, but if you do, then I can enjoy it vicariously through you.

Now if Woot! ever sells a coffee roaster, we'll be first in line. We still don't have one of those. We might not use it as often as we think we would, but we love the idea of roasting our own beans.

Hey, that's what Cuisinart needs to work on now! A Cuisinart Roast-n-Grind-n-Brew. Raw beans to cuppa in about 10 minutes. Yeah, I'd buy that.

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