I worked on our living room a little more this weekend, moving a couple of bookshelves in there. It's not a large room and there is very little blank wall space, so we are pretty limited on arrangements. We traded a couple of rocking chairs for a second Kroehler Ko-Dav loveseat from the 19-teens or early 1920s and now I'm happy with the way it looks. It's a cozy, comfortable room. No television. When we moved to this house I said NO TELEVISION IN THE LIVING ROOM. If I hadn't decided this right from the first I could never have made it stick. Now it's the place for reading, sewing, and talking, and sometimes for lying on your tummy and putting together a jigsaw puzzle in the middle of the floor. I love this room.
We don't have all the original window and door trim, and replacing it has been an expensive experience, so we're doing it a little at a time, hence the trimless windows. That maple floor is original and had never been stripped until we did it. Shawn Leppert was extremely happy about that beautiful, untouched floor!