It's probably H1N1, by the way - clinic said the test would cost several hundred dollars and would not change the treatment plan, so they are not testing for it, but the strain they are seeing is generally believed to be H1N1. Joy. On the other hand, Lil Miss A is feeling better today, and though she still was feverish this morning, she's feeling wonderful now and I am having to tie her up to keep her from running outside to rake the leaves she sees falling all over the place. So she is definitely improving.
Okay, now for the good news, or rather the OTHER good news: A few weeks ago this appeared in our little local weekly paper:

And I submitted this design:

And when I got home from the clinic, there was both a voice mail and an email telling me that my design is one of the finalists for the county, and the final decision will be made in Des Moines.
I'm excited! And I want to make this quilt for real, for a bed.