Friday, November 28, 2008
Divided by a Common Language
Finished by Friday: Curtains, Shades for Kitchen

It's been a long time since I published one of these! That's because of the things that were getting finished, I wasn't the one doing the work, and I couldn't really claim them. Anyway, now that the kitchen is basically put together, with just finish work remaining, it was time to get out a Wilendur strawberry tablecloth I had been saving for years, and make 1) curtains for the cabinet underneath the sink and 2) roller shades for the window.
Here's the curtain beneath the sink.
And here's the shade, lying on the floor because I do not have permission to hang it in the window until the trim is all in and the frame painted.
I love those old heavy cotton printed tablecloths. They are very substantial and the colors last and last. You almost have to try to get them to fade.
For the backing of the roller shades, I used Pellon Decor Bond fusible heavyweight interfacing. The best price I found was on eBay. This is an iron-on product that stiffens the shade and lines it simultaneously. It was pretty easy to handle, though it did not want to fuse without a LOT of heat. Thankfully the tablecloth could take it.
The red with white print is discontinued and I wish I had bought more of it.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Lil Miss A Bakes Challah
I think I actually started an Internet meme!
You know those nonsense word verification "words" that you have to retype to post on many blogs, mine included? Supposed to foil the spambots? Well, I started making up a definition at the end of my posts for those jumbledegook "words." I gave myself extra points if the definition actually related to the comment or post.
I just visited Patrick Rothfuss' blog and found that EVERYBODY is doing WV "words" now. His readership is on the whole rather brilliant, so they are GREAT words. Here's a superb example:
Word verification: Vingulat, as in Count Vingulat. The first royal to marry someone who wasn't a member of their own family.
Of course I can't prove that I started all this, but I really think I can claim it as my own.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I just took out Bo's stitches
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Giving my Butcher-block Countertops Some Love
I rubbed 2 coats of food-grade mineral oil into the surfaces, leaving about 6 hours between applications for it to soak in, and then this morning, at the recommendation of a website I cannot find right now, I grated up some pure beeswax into a saucepan, added an equal amount, approximately, of mineral oil, and warmed it over the stove while stirring to melt the beeswax. I put a thick coat of that on the wood, left it for about half an hour, and buffed off the excess with a soft cloth, and now I have one more coat on it. The wood is saying THANK YOU!! by being beautiful and smelling great.
I think I'll save my application cloth and substitute it for the yucky old grease-rag I use to wipe my cast iron after I dry it on the stove.
Working on a Thanksgiving weekend menu
- We have 2 guests arriving Wednesday noonish, 1 more arriving
around suppertime Wednesday, 1 more arriving around noon on Thursday, the two Wednesday noon ones leaving Friday morning, another 1 arriving Friday noon, and then we need to drive the Thursday and Friday noon ones home to Minneapolis on Sunday afternoon. Not sure when the Wednesday night one wants to go home but we only have to get him to La Crosse. - We have 2 guests who keep kosher, more or less; 2 Baptists who at least aren't supposed to be drinking alcohol, though I think they probably do anyway; and 1 guest who probably won't want to eat meat on Friday since he's Catholic.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Miss Gultch and the Wicked Witch of the West - and 600th post!

That's M.K. on the left, as the Wicked Witch of the West, and Miss B on the right as Miss Gultch. Supposed to be played by the same person, but there was no time to get Miss Gultch green-ified in the short time between her last appearance on stage and the first appearance of the WWotW. Besides, if I didn't know better, I would suspect M.K. of being Miss B's twin, separated at birth. They look a LOT alike. Built alike. Walk alike. They even swapped places one day for classes.
This is my 600th post on this blog!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
More Kitchen Cabinet Pictures

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Look what's happening at my house today!
Monday, November 17, 2008
"I can explain all this."
- A frantic dog with his head stuck in a box,
- A frantic little girl shouting something incoherent, and
- Barry, saying, "I can explain all this."
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
The Idiot Clause
So much to be thankful for.
- I'm thankful I have hair. It's grey, but I have it. (I got it chopped very short today and almost all the dyed stuff is gone, leaving me with a ton of silver.) I could have cancer and be going through chemotherapy and not have any. Or I could have thin hair, or a skin disease that cost me my hair, or I could be forbidden by law to show my hair in public. Nope, I have hair.
- I'm thankful for my warm, cozy home. We still don't have a kitchen, and yes it's frustrating, but we have the promise of a very nice kitchen, much nicer than we need. Our needs are met and our wants as well. Such blessings! And we have food to cook in the kitchen whenever we get it! And the house is warm! And the windows are closed! And the water runs! And the sewer works! And we have beds! And electricity! And phones!
- I'm thankful that I can play the violin. Not very well, and I'm out of practice, but I am getting to play in the pit orchestra for my high school aged children's autumn musical, The Wizard of Oz. I may not be great, but I'm the best violinist in the orchestra. (Also the worst. And most mediocre. I'm the only one.)
- I'm thankful for my church. I'm glad that I have work to do in it. I'm a little overwhelmed at the moment, as we have a council meeting this evening that promises to be a bit stressful, and also we are looking at filling the pulpit for a few months in 2009 so Pastor can take a sabbatical, but I'm so blessed that our church is healthy both spiritually and financially and that it is MINE. Every time I walk in that place and I'm alone, I approach the altar and thank the Lord for that church, and the honor of holding a key to the door. They trust me with a key!
- I'm thankful for my pets. They are luxuries, to be sure, and many people are having to drop theirs off at animal shelters as they are losing their homes. My pets are healthy and happy and have no clue what the Real World is like out there; they can lie around in snoozing piles, safely indoors, safely loved, safely immunized, safe.
- I'm thankful for my children's schools. Schools, run by humans, are flawed, and of course ours are not perfect, but they are pretty good. We have a close-knit community and great communication between faculty and parents. I get to spend an hour tomorrow morning in Lil Miss A's classroom helping with reading lessons. What a blessing, to know our kids are safe, happy and learning.
- I'm thankful for the United States of America, for democracy as interpreted through the U.S. Constitution, for elected leaders we may not like and may not have voted for but who are willing to get up there and do the job that only a couple of other people really want. I have been praying for the candidates all along, and I will continue to pray for President Bush and President Elect Obama, and I will continue to bolster President Obama with my prayers for his safety and guidance. I'll pray for blessings on his decision-making, his insight, his marriage, his parenting, his health, on those who advise him, and on those who would die to protect him from a bullet. (I pray they won't have to.) I'm thankful to be free to pray for whoever I want to pray for, whenever and wherever. I love my country and am very thankful for it.