Lisa and I each took the morning off work to head out to Spring Grove, Minnesota, for the city-wide garage sales held in conjunction with Syttende Mai. I did pretty well. For Lil Miss A, the Easy-Bake Oven she has asked for for her birthday this fall; 5 Marguerite Henry horse stories; a pretty floral print dress and sandals; and 2 shirts and a shorts outfit.

For our little neighbor friend, school clothes! She will start kindergarten this fall.

For Britta, who refuses to wear anything I buy her, Coke. :o)

For Master K, a 1950s US Army duffle bag, and a nice pair of Rockport penny loafers, which turned out to be too small.

For Barry, a metal toy fire truck and 1950s-vintage book about fire engines; a box of mostly brass wood screws; and a wet grinder so he can sharpen the blades of his planer.

Then, an Enterprise cherry pitter (sell), gingham fabric in blue and yellow (keep), glorious bags of vintage trims (including tiny rickrack!!) and buttons (lots of Bakelite!) (sell a few to pay for rest), a DVD of Season 1 of Desperate Housewives (sell) and 3 woven rag mats that may be handmade (keep one, sell others). Oh, and a really cool old electric iron (keep).

Another Winnebago basket, a blouse for me, a Frugal Gourmet cookbook and an old roaster (keep). Two marked Sellers spice shakers, two tulip-topped pepper shakers, and 5 pottery spice jars, and a wicker picnic basket (sell, or maybe swap out another picnic basket and keep this one).

A hand embroidered linen bread cloth for my sister-in-law Vania who appreciates embroidery, bread -- and prayers. Prayer reads, "Be present at our table, Lord. Be here and everywhere adored."

At a wonderful sale where they must have been disposing of Grandma's handwork: These 6 cross-stitched quilt blocks, which I will make into a quilt top.

In a two-dollar bag delightfully marked "odds and ends," four gorgeous embroidered pillowcases, two matching, two singles.

And a huge box of linens including !!doilies!!, antimacassar sets, a dresser scarf, a round embroidered tablecloth;

these crocheted and starched "teacups" squashed in the bottom of the box; and

this letter W off a Badgers letter jacket!

More goodies from another sale: A tin picnic basket, cute fruit printed canister set, two little dollhouse windows; a Longaberger canvas apron; a cute salesman's sample or freebie mini windmill; and one of those vintage portable bar thingies for people who cannot be without a martini for more than five minutes (sell). Also a tin dough rising bowl which I will use a couple of times for old time's sake and then sell.
The big score of the day was Lisa's. She bought a treadle sewing machine in a very nice wooden cabinet with lots of high-end extras for $75. I don't have a picture but she will be displaying it at this fall's quilt show so maybe I can get a picture then.