Thursday, December 22, 2005
Carols for the Mentally Ill
Schizophrenic? Do You Hear What I Hear?
Multiple Personality Disordered? We Three Kings Disoriented Are
Amnesiac? I Don't Know if I'll Be Home for Christmas
Narcissist? Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me
Manic? Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and....
Paranoiac? Santa Claus is Coming to Get Me
Borderline Personality Disordered? Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire
Passive-Aggressive? You Better Watch out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, Maybe I'll Tell You Why
Social Anxiety Disordered? Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas While I Sit Here and Hyperventilate
And finally, for the Obsessive-Compulsive:
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock,
...Better Now, One More Time!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Mom, my job, sick kitty and sick daughter (NOT in any particular order of importance, mind you)
2. My job. Yesterday I went from hourly training pay to production pay. I'm slow, but I still am beating the training pay rate, so that's good. I have lots of room for improvement. I am really loving this job so far.
3. Sick kitty. It's Briggs. I gave him a feline leukemia vaccine booster and then forgot about it, and a few hours later when he got very lethargic and grumpy, I failed to make the connection. He's normally a very passive cat. No matter what you do to him, his reaction is usually, "OK, whatever. Hey, I think I'll purr." So when he complained at Lil Miss A's hugs and kisses, when he did not stir from his chair and blankie for about 4 hours, when he actually hissed at the dog, I knew something was wrong. I put him on the feather mattress on the daybed for the night and he hadn't budged when we woke up this morning. Barry took him to the vet and was there when they opened their doors. Normal vaccine reaction, as it happens; they gave him a shot of pain relief and sent him home, where he's asleep again.
I feel sorry for these cats because I know so little about cats. I just don't know how to take good care of them. So I make a lot of mistakes. Good thing they are so forgiving.
4. Sick daughter. The little one. Yet another cold. That's the thing about kindergarten: They have diseases nobody has ever seen before. Forget the jungles of Central Africa: I think the next pandemic will come from some kindergarten classroom in the Midwest. Anyway, Lil Miss A missed school yesterday - which most certainly did NOT please her - and coughed. She's better now and I sent her back. I hope that wasn't a mistake.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Weekend with Mama
Christmas Tree

This afternoon the children and Barry went to a tree farm to pick up a tree for the church narthex. They wanted a big one. They found it.
As they drove through LaCrosse on their way home, people were staring, taking pictures on their phones, waving, shouting "Hi Clark!" and such.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Brought to you by the letter P
She had one marked wrong, and she wasn't happy about it. She hadn't crossed off a P picture, but she hadn't colored it, either.
"But Mom!" she said. "I couldn't color THAT. Penguins are black and white!"
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Those of you who pray
UPDATE: The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration have her on their list for prayer once an hour for the next 168 hours! What an awesome weapon prayer is in faithful hands.
ANOTHER UPDATE: 4:00 p.m. and Papa just called. She's doing great! The surgery apparently went very well. She's still sleeping in ICU but the surgeon said she is going to feel much better. Hallelujah.
9:00 p.m. UPDATE: She's awake, she knows Papa and smiles at him, but they haven't been able to wean her off the respirator and she has orthostatic hypotension and she's in afib. Doc says don't worry, these things happen sometimes, but of course we're nervous. Note to self: God is faithful.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Little Miss A's Lesson of the Week
Thursday, December 01, 2005
De-bagging a Feline
I can sincerely thank God for my job once again, with no mixed emotions.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
The Ducks' Prayer
The Doxology. Now forevermore to be known as The Ducks' Prayer. I like that much better!
Monday, November 28, 2005
A Stahl Thanksgiving
Sadly, Thanksgiving morning, Roseann's grandmother passed away, so they all had to head home a couple of days early for the funeral. Thankfully they were able to find plane tickets, albeit expensive ones, back home on the busiest travel weekend of the year. We miss them already.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Doe No Mo'
She leaped out behind an oncoming car while he was unable to see much from the headlights, bounced off his bumper, and fell, then leaped up - and ran right into the car again. The second time did the deed and she was dead. Car is not driveable, the grill, radiator and air conditioniong coil have all now become one with the engine fan.
Barry went back up to check it out in daylight and commented that there were deer all over the place, watching him and the car. I told him they were there for the funeral, and they were all whispering about him, "That's him. That's the one. The one who killed Judy."
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I need to have less fun
And, since you asked, I'm a natural grey, so I can be whatever I wanna be. I'm a blank canvas.
When in doubt, ask a butcher
He asked if I had an electric frying pan. I said, "To brown it?" He answered, "Yes, and to do the whole thing." He suggested seasoning it, browning it well on all sides in the frying pan, then roasting it right there.
It worked great. The roast was delicious, it looked great, AND all the drippings were right there in the pan so I could make gravy.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Yin, Yang and - What?
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
Pump Organ

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
October is Adopt-a-Stray-Cat Month

He's a real sweetie.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Too Hot for School
Some years we have snow on the ground by this point.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Job change again
I feel simultaneously sick to my stomach and twenty pounds lighter.
Monday, September 26, 2005
It IS Possible to Gain Weight on Diet Cat Food
Remember to continue to beg your mom to fill your cat food bowl so she won't suspect.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Decrepitness (is that a word?)
That's the last time I go to THAT eye doctor!
(Just kidding, Dr. Rixen.)
Monday, September 19, 2005
Friday, September 16, 2005
Today's Woot: A very cool coffee-related toy
Today, Woot! is selling a really neato coffee maker. It's a Keurig single-cup coffee maker. And no, it's not a sized-down normal drip coffee maker. Wayne and Roseann have a Keurig, so I've gotten to try it, and it has a nice big reservoir, then you pop a little Green Mountain (or knockoff) coffee packet into a slot, put your mug under the spout, and push a button. The Keurig quick-heats water, forces it at high pressure through the coffee packet and into your mug, in about 2 minutes max. This is really good, really HOT coffee! It was great fun.
For budgetary reasons, and because of the morgue, I am not allowed to buy today's Woot!, but if you do, then I can enjoy it vicariously through you.
Now if Woot! ever sells a coffee roaster, we'll be first in line. We still don't have one of those. We might not use it as often as we think we would, but we love the idea of roasting our own beans.
Hey, that's what Cuisinart needs to work on now! A Cuisinart Roast-n-Grind-n-Brew. Raw beans to cuppa in about 10 minutes. Yeah, I'd buy that.
Monday, September 12, 2005
And here I thought nobody was reading it but me. :)
The Whited Sepulchre

Sure, it looks great from the outside, but inside...
Right now we're struggling to get all that black icky stuff you see in the photo scraped off the dining room floor. It's a nice old maple floor, but to find it, first we pulled off the ugly grey indoor-outdoor carpet, then a layer of linoleum squares, then a layer of sheet linoleum, and finally here is this black stuff. Barry thinks it may be tar paper. Anyway, it glued itself pretty thoroughly to the floor, and the only real way to get it off is by scraping, scraping and scraping.
It's the new punishment/threat in the house. Kids having a fight? "If you kids don't settle this you're ALL GOING TO SCRAPE THE FLOOR!" Kids want to stay up past bedtime? "Sure, if you're staying up to SCRAPE THE FLOOR!"
Actually it's resulted in some rather nice "family moments," when we all sprawl on the floor with our scrapers, hacking away at gunk, and share our innermost thoughts (the most often voiced one being, "I sure wish this floor was done"). And we really are making progress. We only have a few square feet to go.
Then we get to rent the floor sander, sand the floor, and somehow get a finish on it without a) walking on it ourselves or b) having the cat walk through and get stuck in it.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
First Day of School

Things are off to a good start. And Mommy only cried a little on the walk back home alone from dropping Miss A. at kindergarten.
Friday, July 29, 2005
At Pap and Grandma's House
Roadside America

It's hard to describe, but it's worth the stop if you're ever around the area. It's hokey and mushy and cute. Every half hour they make everybody come sit on risers and watch as they make "night" come to the railroad village; the room lights dim, tiny street lights come on, homes light up, then as the room becomes darker, the house lights go out once more and the landscape sleeps except for the trains which go on and on. Come "morning," the street lights come off, house lights come on, and the "sky" begins to lighten up with daybreak.
Two cute little old ladies were running the place when we arrived. If I understand it correctly, one of them is the daughter of the gentleman who built the display.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Staten Island University Hospital
In the curtain area next to her, she heard a man who had cut his arm badly on a broken fence moaning in pain, and she prayed for him right there on the spot. He was encouraged and said he felt better immediately, and thereafter everyone who came to care for him got to hear about the sweet little girl who had prayed for him.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Travel blogging
Tomorrow we head back across the border and down through the Finger Lakes region, planning on arriving at Wayne and Roseann's house on Staten Island by nightfall.
Pictures later.
UPDATE: Here are some pictures:

Thursday, July 14, 2005
A blonde joke
The boyfriend asks, "What kind of a puzzle?"
The blonde replies, "It's a jigsaw puzzle; it's supposed to be a tiger."
The boyfriend agrees to come over and help. A little while later, he arrives at her house, and she motions for him to come into the kitchen. There, he finds that she has pieces scattered all over the table.
The boyfriend says, "Honey, sit down. Now - the first thing we need to do is put all the Frosted Flakes back in the box..."
An outfit for Anne Shirley

I'm trying to decide what sort of blouse Anne here needs. I'm thinking white cotton, long sleeves, with a Peter Pan collar and either pintucks or tiny red rickrack down the front.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Ahem... Just what do they think I've been doing for 25 years?
I just got the invitation to our 25-year high school reunion in the mail. Get this: It's at the University Club at the U of M St. Paul campus, and they are serving hors d'oevres and there is a cash bar.
The ticket price is $35.
Per person. Not per couple.
Thirty-five bucks for... what? A few weenies on toothpicks?
That's it. I'm not going.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
It's Raining Teeth
Sunday, K. got serious about them and wiggled 3 molars out within about an hour! It was raining teeth around here!
Barry says, "I tried, too, but I only got one of mine out."
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Fellowship Hour
I'm afraid he's right. The tithe on Barry's bonus bought a feast. Barry did a tropical fruit platter of fresh pineapple, two varieties of coconut, and mango; we had a bowl of fresh-picked strawberries from a local grower; there were snow peas with dill dip; there were plenty of smoked turkey sandwiches; and there were little cookies with flags embedded in them (thank you Pillsbury) and a giant Hershey's chocolate bar to chop pieces from. Also punch and coffee. The day was a huge success despite the fact that we had counted on picnicing and had set up tables all over the church's newly planted lawn, only to have it start pouring about 2/3 of the way through Pastor's sermon. So everybody just crammed in and got cozy.
The punch was a variation of what we served at our wedding: Lemon-lime soda and fruit juice, with scoops of rainbow sherbert bobbing around in the punch.
There were lots of leftovers so guess what we'll be living on for the rest of the week?
Mom in a Kayak
I got to try kayaking for the first time and I'm hooked. I had no idea how quick and agile a kayak can be, even in the hands of the most rank of amateurs. It's so intuitive. I would think about going over there and zap, there I would be, over there. There were a number of extremely large, drunken parties of inner tubers floating down the river dumping empty beer cans all over the place, and I amused myself by zipping around on the river picking up those fallen soldiers so that they could be recycled rather than glopping up the beautiful river.
I want a kayak. One of my own. To keep. :)
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Wedding in Pakistan

Saturday, June 25, 2005
A Big Day for Little Miss A

Saturday, June 18, 2005
Hundred-Year-Old Man
Barry told me the other night that he has fixed on a plan for what to do when he wonders how he should react to something. He tries to imagine what a hundred-year-old man would do in his situation and react with the same maturity and perspective.
I think it's a great idea. I feel like getting him a wristband that reads "WW100D?" to help him remember his new strategy.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Home from Baltimore
It's sure good to be home.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Frank B. Kellogg High School Class of 1980 Reunion
Lots of folks are MIA, so if you know any of the people on the "Find Classmates" page, please point them there.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Lucy Update
Testing from Photobucket

Oh, this is kewl. You can upload a photo to Photobucket, then click "blog" and it will post it right to your blog. If this works, that is.

Friday, June 03, 2005
Tea Party By the Pond
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
June 1st Update
Another thing that happened was that I have been offered a promotion within the company I work for, Medquist. We've been working on this for a couple of weeks now and the actual offer came through last night. I'm about to send off the email accepting it. I will be a supervisor of medical transcriptionists, working on scheduling so that contracted turnaround times are met and the MTs get as much work as they need and want without feeling completely overwhelmed (or so that is my assignment). I need to travel to Baltimore in mid June for training. I'm excited about the trip, but not happy about leaving my family, even for a few days.
And finally we have yet another pet in the family: Lucy Goose.

Evidently the US Postal Service quit contracting with FedEx for its air freight and switched to USAir, which is, of course, in bankruptcy. So it's cancelling flights and leaving laden jets on runways, sometimes for days. My friend Kathleen ordered a batch of ducklings and goslings from a hatchery, and they were caught in this mess, arriving at her house after a week rather than the 1-2 days that is hoped for. It was horrible. All but 4 goslings were dead. The four survived by cannibalism. Geese are vegetarians by nature, so these were confused little geese. Three of them bounced back and switched to a proper goose diet and began rapidly making up lost ground, but one just couldn't get it through her little head that she has plenty to eat now. She was attacking the other goslings and doing serious damage to wings and necks.
So my friend asked us to take her for a couple of weeks for some serious lovin' therapy and see if we can't get her turned around. She's isolated from my chickens and given lots of good starter crumble, plus I've been putting her on the lawn quite a bit so she can taste grass, white clover, sorrel and dandelion greens. She's eating very well and growing almost visibly. And she is so sweet! She follows people and is frantic if left behind. She cries piteously if left alone in her wire cage for even a moment, so in desperation, we finally got my youngest's largest doll, a 34-inch companion doll, and sat her outside the cage with her face turned toward the gosling, and that did the trick. Lucy sits as close as she can to the doll and talks quietly to her by the hour.

If after her two weeks probation are up, she can be reintegrated with the other young geese, we will have succeeded. If she is still imprinted for hurting the other geese, then she will have to be destroyed.
Monday, May 16, 2005
Saucy Walker and her Little Sister: A Doll Story

When she arrived, Saucy really was in good shape; she just needed a bath, a new wig and some clothes. (Her eyes could use resetting but I'm not bothering at this point.)
While we waited on her wig to arrive from Kemper Dolls, Saucy and I were looking at dolls on eBay and she spotted one that she loved.
"Mama!" she said. "Can she be my little sister? I really want a little sister!" (Again, seller photo. She did have arms, they just weren't in the picture. She is a no-name 19" walker as best I can tell.)
So I bid. And I won the little sister.
Here is how Saucy looks today, rewigged and with a pretty new dress:
And here she is, proudly introducing her Little Sister:
Sisters, together at last.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Talented auction writer
UPDATE: Harrumph. It was pulled. I have no idea why; it was an innocent auction.
Saturday, May 07, 2005
My beautiful Mother's Day gift

I love how it has that Craftsman look to it of a piece made by hands.
What a nice man.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Puzzle Update
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Grumpy little thing, isn't she?

"I don't WIKE dese cuwwers, my WEGS are cold and you WON'T make me no pants, my FOHEHEAD has a bwuise, my THWEATAH doevvn't fit and NUFFING is going wight awound hewe!"
Meet So Sorry Sarah. I like her, but I think she would drive a kid nuts. You can't cheer her up no matter how hard you try.
On the other hand...

"HAhahaha! I awweady wost one of my shoes and I don't even cawe!"
Natalie is annoying for the opposite reason: She's like one of those "morning people" who can drive you nuts at the office or in the dorm or on the phone. She is always hysterically happy no matter how crummy the weather or early the hour or bad the headache.
Monday, May 02, 2005
Mowing in the Snow
OK, so that was an exaggeration. But my son's job is to mow the lawn in summertime and shovel the driveway and walks in wintertime, and it took him all weekend to do the mowing because he would no sooner get started but thick heavy flakes would start falling and would quickly clog the mower. Ridiculous! We're all stomping around making sarcastic comments about the weather and I keeping having to send the baby back to change clothes because she comes downstairs in her swimming suit, she wants summer to come so badly. And it's never fun to have your garage sale snowed upon.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Jigsaw puzzle
It's spread out all over the dining table now and everyone is addicted. We're all going buggy looking at teensy pieces with teensier little people and chickens and stuff on them but we can't stop ourselves.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
On quilting
to form not so perfect quilts
for not so perfect lives,
yet filled with love and hope
to last from generation to generation.
Ruth Christiansen ~ 8/17/51 - 9/29/03
Daddy's Home
We really missed him.
It's not that we can't get along without him. We do just fine, really. We're all busy people and we keep up with our schedules and accomplish things. We sleep OK, nobody quits eating and pines away. We're really fine.
But boy, are we glad when he comes home! The house feels different when he comes home. It's cozier, the lights are brighter, the walls friendlier, the floors warmer. The creaky, lumpy old bed he and I share is more comfortable when he's in it. He got home last night just as the kids were supposed to be getting to bed, so they had all welcomed him home last night, but this morning when they woke up and he was where he belonged, in our bed, they piled in, assorted pets, morning breath and all, for a snuggle before everybody had to get ready for work and school.
I know moms are supposed to be the heart of the home and all that, but dads are... Dads are... Oh, I don't know. Maybe the backbone of the home. We can slog along without him for awhile, but we sure are thankful when he comes back.
Friday, April 22, 2005
Making Vania Drool

(Well, the picture's gone, but it used to be a picture of fresh rhubarb.)
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Iowa Sex Offender Registry
I just checked and they no longer do zip code searches in Iowa. However you can still search by zip code in Iowa at after you click that you agree to the terms of the website.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Oh no! The school burned down!
It's days like these that they beg to be homeschooled.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Seeing scripture in life
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Baby turkeys!

Here is our first little poult to hatch, Little Guy, with his surrogate mommy, Nancy. He was fighting very hard to get away from me so he could go back to his beloved mom.

And here is the second egg, still in progress. The children have already named this one Neville.
* UPDATE * Wednesday morning and Neville is fluffy and beautiful! He actually hatched into my hand last night. He had chipped away his shell all but a tiny hinge and then seemed to get stuck. His feathers were drying. I gently pulled the end of his shell off him, and there was no blood flow to it at all, so that was OK so far, and then he couldn't seem to get out of the rest of the shell, so I held him by the shell over my other palm and let him work his way out with the help of gravity. And poof, I had a turkey poult in my hand!
This morning he and his Mommy, Hepzibah, are doing great.
With two hens and two poults, these are going to be the most spoiled rotten turkeys on the planet.
* ANOTHER UPDATE * I gave in to reason and moved Neville in under Nancy, so she has both babies, and took her eggs and put them under Hepzibah, though I don't think any of them are going to hatch. Nancy looked a little surprised when she noticed that her single baby had magically turned into two babies, but she tucked them both back under her feathers and decided that she must have been mistaken. Hepzibah doesn't seem to miss Neville one bit; she was more interested in the eggs anyway. She also wasn't trying to teach Neville to eat, whereas Nancy has been coaching Little Guy on pecking at his scratch, which he needs (turkeys aren't hard-wired with that information like chickens are).
Monday, April 04, 2005
One of my favorite Pope John Paul II anecdotes
In the words of President Bush, "we're grateful to God for sending such a man."
OTWA Auctions
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Rest in Peace, Terri.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Monday, March 21, 2005
Hannah Builds a Snowman

The occasion was the arrival of those cute red boots, a gift from a fellow Baby Face fan.
Friday, March 18, 2005
Come Back Stephen, All Is Forgiven
Not that he cares.
It's about the Dark Tower series. He finally concluded it in the fall, after, what, 15 years? Fifteen years of his fans trudging faithfully along with Roland and his band, learning to speak dialects that take on a freakish life of their own, pretending we are gunslingers too, imagining ourselves as lean mean fighting machines instead of the geeky couch potatoes most of us are. (You know it's true.) We've expended all kinds of mental energy keeping track of alternate worlds, characters picked up from other King books and given new life then killed off and of course agonies of waiting between installments. And at last. The final installment. Roland the Gunslinger finds his Tower.
So as not to completely ruin the ending for anyone who hasn't already read it, I won't tell any specifics, but let me say, when Stephen King says "stop reading here," believe him. I know you won't stop, you'll keep going because you are a Hopeless Fan like me and you've been at this through 7 volumes and no way are you going to shut that book and leave a few more pages left. But please listen to Stephen. He's about to ruin the whole thing for you. He claims he has no control over the books he writes but I can hear him cackling nonetheless because he KNOWS we're all going to read those last few pages. And then he says we're not allowed to write him nasty letters because he forewarned us, after all. We're not allowed to show up on his doorstep and complain and whine. We're not allowed to stalk him. Not even a little bit.
Anyway I am finally coming out of my funk and am willing to consider a reconciliation with Stephen. I even re-read Firestarter a couple of weeks ago. (Still one of his best.) What's done is done. Things will never be the same between us, but at least we can rebuild our relationship. I'm waiting, Stephen.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
It's so fascinating!
What is that amazing thing? It goes back and forth and back and forth and back and forth

and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth

and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and
Slowly getting back on our feet
On the minus side, The Baby has a ruptured eardrum, and Bad Mommy didn't even realize what was going on till a couple of days later. Poor little thing. None of my children have had recurrent ear infections in their lifetimes so I am just not tuned in to what to watch for. Anyway our family doc, who is actually a wonderful physician's assistant, didn't get too excited about it; he said it was already healing.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Why the flurry of posts?
I had so many plans for projects to do this week but so far all we've been able to do is drag ourselves from one appointment to another meeting to school to afterschool activities to another meeting and then we all come home and fall on our beds and sort of ooze all over everything. (We have colds.) It's probably a good thing Barry isn't here, he'd just catch our germs.
UPDATE: OK, it's not colds. It's the flu. Ugh.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Unexpected pang
We have since been blessed with another child, which helped a great deal with the healing, and in fact I don't think about it a lot anymore unless I am reminded (though I did just now realize that our child would be starting kindergarten next year had he or she lived).
The other night I was watching "The Cider House Rules," based on John Irving's book. One subplot is a doctor who runs an orphanage and does illegal abortions on the side because he feels it's better not to bring yet more unwanted children into the world.
Having lost a child who was not asked for but wanted nonetheless, suddenly it hit me what a terrible loss an abortion is, whether those involved know it or not. At last, my disagreement with abortion is no longer just a head thing, but a heart thing as well.
God in the Clouds
"If you want to know what God looks like, you look at the clouds. If you see one that looks like God, you say, 'Hi God!' and then you know that's Him."
Doesn't make a whole lot of sense but it sure is cute!
Monday, February 28, 2005
Helen Zarwell
These faithful marriages are such an inspiring witness to those of us who are just starting out. (With our 20th anniversary coming up in August, it may not seem like we are just starting out, but compared to people like the Zarwells, oh yes we are.)
A prayer in time of need
Heavenly Father,
in my present need,
help me to believe
that You are aware of my anxiety
and will do what is best for me.
Give me the strength to trust You
and put the present and future in Your hands.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord.
Friday, February 25, 2005
An update...
I'd like to thank the midwife, Sharlyn Design, for delivering this large baby safely.
Still have a lot of stocking to do, and once that's taken care of, I have to get going on, but I can only do so much and still sleep occasionally.
And another update.
Killed. Dead. Deceased. Muerte.
If you gave them your credit card information, be afraid. Be very afraid.
And lastly, a Doll Story.
by Miss B, who is off school today and has way too much time on her hands