Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Spring or Mud

Saturday it reached the 20s, which was a huge relief; Sunday it hit the mid 30s! Everything is melting. We're at 34 here on Monday morning and the sun is shining and the snow is dripping off the eaves.

I took the children up to St. Paul for a brief visit with the grandparents Sunday afternoon, stayed overnight and got home Monday afternoon in time for Miss B to work at 4:00. It was a good, though very short, visit. One highlight was visiting the building their church bought and has moved into, in Hudson, Wisconsin.

It was warmish and lovely up in the Twin Cities, plus they either didn't have as much snow to start with as we do or most of it had already melted, so it was not so sloppy. When we got home to New Albin, the town was a sea of mud, with snow floating around in it. Lil Miss A commented in disgust, "At Grandma's house it's spring. Here it's just mud."

Most of the way home, Lil Miss A sang to us. Two songs over and over again. One was "The Old Gray Mare," only she sang, "The Old Grand Mary." She refused to listen to our insistence that it was a song about a horse. No, it's a song about a grandma named Mary, she said. The other song was "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean." She could never remember the start of the line, so it was, "Mumumumble OVER THE OCEAN", where she really belted the part she could remember. She had Miss B and me laughing so hard I almost had to pull over to the side of the road to recover.

1 comment:

Mrs. Mac said...

Reminds me of when Sean would sing in the car with his grandparents the song, On Top Of Old Smokey ... ... and a "false hearted lover" always came out, "A Fart-Hearted Lover" ... Kids, they say the funniest things :)