Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Way Station Withdrawal

Week Two of No Way Station. It's killing me. I need a thrift store fix!

The front three rooms of The Way Station's main floor were pretty much wrecked by the broken pipe upstairs, not to mention the front half of the youth center upstairs. I have not been inside since the flood, but I've seen the giant Dumpster outside that they filled with rotted stuff. I'm guessing the vintage kitchen table I had loaned them to sell housewares off of is probably ruined and in there somewhere, too.

On the bright side, there was excellent insurance, and in the rebuilding they are able to take care of some problems that had been on hold, like removing a damaged old chimney and replacing some insulation, so everyone is trying hard to see this as a blessing in disguise.

1 comment:

Mrs. Mac said...

"I need a thrift store fix" ... me too! but I don't want to buy one single thing before I take a peek at what I have in storage.