Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Idiot Clause

Until yesterday, the Iowa constitution had verbiage in it that stated that "idiots" and "the insane" could not vote. We voted on a constitutional amendment to replace that politically incorrect phraseology with something like "those judged mentally incompetent". Pretty straightforward, huh?

Well, I would have thought so. But 18% of Iowans actually voted against the amendment. This makes me laugh every time I think about it. Why? WHY?


Vann said...

Well I can only guess, but it seams to me that maybe 18% of you guys are idiots, or that 18% think, why change it, with the way everyone votes these days, why change now.

Aaron said...

Could be, could be ...

but I'm focusing on the verb judged to be mentally competent: judged by whom, exactly?

Perhaps some of the wiser Iowa idiots are leery of giving up their constitutional right to idiocy free of bureaucratic intervention.

Verification word "bingered": the misplaced outrage one feels upon being given the finger by someone who actually just jammed his finger in a really painful way and is waving it around for sympathy and/or distraction from the misery.

Mrs. Mac said...
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