Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Gourd seeds!

Anna of Chickens in the Basement sent me a selection of seeds from her gourds. I'm so excited! Here they are in peat pots. I hope they do what they are supposed to in spite of my black thumb.

I like to train gourds over the chicken pen for shade. It's tricky, because you have to get them past the point where the chickens can reach the tendrils and leaves and snip them off early.

Her note reads that gourd plants "like a lot of sun and things to climb on - sort of like kids!"

She included Amish birdhouse gourds, apple gourds and bushel basket gourds. This is so cool. :o)

1 comment:

Chickens in the Basement said...

YAY! I'm so glad they got to you! I'm also glad to share. Who knew a few gourds could produce SO many seeds? Once your gourds get growing, please post photos of them growing of the chicken pen! I'd love to see that!
