Sunday, May 18, 2008

4 - 4 - 4 for fun meme

My sister-in-law V sent me this meme, which I just sent back to her rather than forwarding like I was supposed to. You're supposed to list 4 things for each category.

A) Four places I go regularly: Church, post office, The Way Station, the elementary school
B) Four people who e-mail me regularly: letting me know how many people have signed my guestbook this month and offering to let me see who they are if I'll pay; PayPal informing me my account has been suspended; Prince Mbuthe Kwalinele of Nigeria letting me in on a really neat money-making scheme; and any number of Canadian pharmacies offering me deals on V11AAGGR4
C) My four favorite places to eat: The dining room, the front porch, the couch in the family room, and Famous Dave's
D)Four TV shows I watch all the time: Battlestar Galactica (on hulu because we have only BASIC basic cable), Chuck (before writer's strike), Pushing Daisies (before writer's strike), Supernanny (when I can)

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